World Languages Grading Policy 

Homework:  (10%)  There will be homework for each class.  It will be based on material already covered in class. Besides written assignments, students should review vocabulary and verbs that have been presented.  Practicing new vocabulary and verbs aloud is essential.  

Classwork:  (20%)  Classwork will consist of class participation, written exercises, drills, and work on projects begun in class. When the homework is to finish the project at home, students  will be given a classwork grade and a homework grade.  Projects will be graded on accuracy and effort.  In addition, since each class reviews previous verbs, students will be expected to show proficiency in these verbs at all times.

Quizzes:  (30%)  There will be quizzes on new vocabulary, on verb conjugations, and on constructing sentences that incorporate new vocabulary, verbs, and grammar.  There will be several quizzes before each test or assessment.

Tests:  (40%)  There will be two or three tests each quarter. There will be tests on verb conjugations in addition to vocabulary and grammar.



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